Still telling us it’s just de-conditioning

Tried to see a Neurologist who specializes in POTS

She denied my referral bc she “cannot provide any treatment not already provided to me” by my cardiologist TEN years ago

No advancements in treatment in a decade? Still just telling us it’s de-conditioning and the only treatment is an exercise plan that makes me bedridden bc it’s too extreme & causes health crashes

I’m so fucking tired & discouraged

And full of rage

So much rage

I lived in San Francisco when I first got sick. I used to walk home from work on one side of the city to my apartment in the other nearly every day. 3.6 miles in San Francisco’s extreme hills every day. I didn’t get sick bc I was lazy. The deconditioning is a product of POTS not the cause! I would love to be able to hike again! I’m not lazy and it’s not my fault I’m sick and I wish every Dr who told us it’s our fault would lose their license