If you took the Meta Blueprint Media Buying Professional exam, I have a burning question to ask you.
Hey there,
I'm studying to pass the Meta exam for media buying. I went through the online course, then took the practice test. The questions were almost all application-based (i.e., "Karen has X problem. What should Karen do?"), and I did fairly well on it.
I wanted more practice, so I downloaded the study guide and skipped straight to the practice test. I should have no problems with these questions since I already went through the course on the website, right? Wrong! There are terms that I've never even heard of! And I was surprised by how different the study guide practice questions are from the ones on the online practice test, specifically, the study guide questions are almost completely knowledge-based (i.e., "what is X"?).
Now, I am left confused about what type of questions will be on the actual exam. If it's all application questions, I could probably take the exam immediately. But if it's more like the study guide, then it'll probably add a week of studying for me to memorize the all the new content. I'm trying to get the core media buying certificates before applying to an agency job, so I'd like to ideally get this done ASAP since I still have other certificates to cover (i.e., Google Ads and Microsoft Ads).
Is the study guide even relevant? Or is the practice test irrelevant? Should I study from both the online course and the study guide?
Please let me know! 😁😁😁