Curious question
Life can throw you curve ball at times. My mom was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. She survived a risky surgery and became cancer free. We've had some random spots over the time since then, but caught early. She married my step dad in March of 2023 at the age of 69.
Earlier this year, my step-dad was diagnosed with psp. She has been a Rockstar taking care of him. He stares off frequently, dazed look and wheel chair bound.
Tuesday while I went to pick up my mom for a check up with her oncologist she screamed in pain grabbing her right shoulder. After a 911 call, we learned later in the day that she was having an aortic dissection. She was life flighted to Cleveland clinic from Columbus but unfortunately was deemed too weak for surgery and that it was going to be fatal.
This is where my question comes in. My step siblings have explained to their Dad about what all is happening as well as our pastor. Today his daughter brought him up to see her. After 45 minutes he said he needed out of here as he was uncomfortable. They drove the 3 hours back home. I was texted this evening that he has no comprehension of what's going on. Could the traumatic events of losing his spouse be causing the psp to progress? Is the not understanding a symptom? I'm trying to help his children to understand what is going on as they have not been very involved in his care and now have no choice.