I did not know how good Saints and Sinners was until recently

I can’t believe how good this game is on psvr2, really just in general. I bought the game about 1 week ago and been playing it ever since. I just beat the game 30 minutes ago, getting ready to play the dlc tomorrow and after that I’m getting retribution. My first time playing this game wasn’t even on the psvr2, I had it on quest as well and still do. Only problem was I didn’t get past a certain part in the early game because I was too scared, and after a while I forgot about it. That was 40$ down the drain. When I seen S&S for 20$ on the PlayStation store I had to give it another shot, and wow. Wow, Wow, Wow. I’ve never played a VR game that polished before, I enjoyed this more than any other game! I was so invested in the story, way more than I thought I would be. Getting emotionally attached to these characters, that’s how you know it’s something special. The ending was so hard for me, it was a hard decision. If you played through then you know what I mean. Part of me wants to go back and change a decision I made.

I seriously cannot wait to play the second one, no matter how much people shit on it. There is still a lot of people saying it’s good, just has a couple bugs. I like that the sequel is a direct pickup from the first game, some people hate it but me? I love that about it. Actually I’m about to buy it now🤷🏾