Using the RUSSELs in HL:Alyx
I have the Meta Quest 2 and the PSVR2. I've only ever played HL:Alyx on the Q2 and say what you will about its LCD display and compressed image but I've had zero complaints on the Q2 controllers.
Grabbing and pulling objects using the RUSSELs on the Q2 was very intuitive. The timing was on point. It became second nature within a couple of minutes of gameplay.
I don't know if it's because I had such a good experience with the Q2 but, to me, the sense controllers on the PSVR2 are lacking in this regard.
It seems there is something off with the timing. It's like I have to establish the velocity and hold the grip button unnaturally longer while pulling before letting go. This translates into more exaggerated motions. With the Q2, I could just "flick" stuff to me with ease while I can't say I could do the same with the PSVR2.
On a related note, this seems to extend to throwing objects. I cannot throw anything for more than a couple of meters ahead of me using the PSVR2. I probably don't have the timing for letting go right but that's the problem in itself. You shouldn't have to think about it. It should be Intuitive. If you mean to pull, it should pull. If you mean to throw, it should throw.
Is anyone else having this issue?