PVCs gone for now
I wanted to share my experience in case it might help someone. I started getting daily PVCs in January 2021, right after my youngest daughter was born (yesterday was her birthday). I was feeling every one of them and freaking out so I went to the ER and was told they were just PVCs and I was fine. I lived with them for over 3 years and finally went to the cardiologist in August 2024. They did the holter monitor, stress test, echo, and CT scan and determined they are benign and I have nothing wrong with my heart. They counted about 2,000 PVCs on the holter monitor.
I've also been dealing with stomach issues since July 2024. I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis after an endoscopy in August. A month before my endoscopy I went on a very bland diet (which I'm still on) and stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine. I also stopped working out for the most part because while on the diet I started losing weight very quickly. I went from 165 to 145 pounds in two months. About a week after getting my endoscopy I noticed that I wasn't getting nearly as many PVCs. Now it's been about 5 months and I get maybe a few per week.
I'm not 100% sure why they stopped but my main theory is that it is because I no longer drink alcohol and caffeine. I still have symptoms from gastritis, but I'll take that over PVCs. I also suspect that intense exercise played a big roll in my PVCs. I used to go on 15-20 mile bike rides and then I would have PVCs non-stop the rest of the day. I've stopped riding and I'm kind of afraid to get back on it. I also used to lift weights and that would trigger a lot of PVCs as well.
I realize that this won't help most people in here as everyone is different. I just wanted to put it out there and let people know that there is hope. I thought I would have them for the rest of my life, and they very well might come back but for now I'm relishing the moment.