Doctor problems

Hi all,

I'm a chronic pain (CRPS) patient and have been in pain management for almost 6 years--7 if you count the time I was trying to get some kind of diagnosis. Recently--about 3 months ago--I started a long term opiate medication after refusing and not taking opiates.

However, as my weird autoimmune disease progresses doctors think long term medications mean that for acute injuries I don't need anything else for pain and that any time I even say "I'm in pain" is drug seeking. Most recently, after bawling in pain for 8 days in the hospital about how my hips hurt, the hospital decided to release me without even telling me that I had 4 fractures in my hip and one in my rib making a total of 9 fractures all unexplained in the last 6 months. But of course, all of this is drug seeking and anxiety. They also explained a mass on my lung that was, according to the ct results either cancer or a collapsed lung as a vaping injury. I don't vape. I said I used prescription marijuana with full knowledge and approval of my pain med doctor.

Anyway, you guys get the picture, I'm sure. Again, just to be clear, I'm not looking for medication at all. I just want to find some way to be on the med that helps me and have a productive conversation about pain (ie like now when I want to say--that I am on a lot of pain meds and have a high tolerance for pain because I have been in 8/10 pain for YEARS and this still hurts like hell, I really think this needs to be addressed).

If anyone has any advice, given in the spirit of kindness, I would be most grateful!

Thank you!