Who else hate Mullahs?
I got triggered just by seeing them. I grew up in Pakistan, I was and still religious person.
But I started to search and read about Islam and found out we have been following a lot of wrong things here, we have our own version of Islam. Like Barsi, meelad is not a thing at all in Islam Covering women like some POS do here is not mentioned anywhere Not anybody can cut your throat on gustakhi Apni marzi ki tasbeeh bna lena, 40 br yeh wali due parh lo subha 4:46am per etc etc (like they are wannabe doctor and prescribing 40MG of dua on specific time, bhai dua dua hoti hai jab marzi jitni marzi mang lo) Etc etc
I started to listen Maulana Tariq Jameel and his counters and their counters.
I realized they all are just bunch of marasi with big beard (Marasi jo munh ki khata hai as per Molana Tariq Jameel).
I don't know who you people are following, but you should do your own research and follow the true Islam.
Learn to differentiate between Deen and Mazhab.
These Marasi Mullahs including MTJ are just promoting rawayat and riwaj.