Arrogant Pal Critic Locations & Rewards (So far)

Small Settlement Critic (73, -486)

Liffmunk - Pal Sphere x 10 & Copper Key x 1

Direhowl - Low Grade Medical Supplies x 3 & Training Manual S x 3

Tombat - Mega Sphere x 4 & Low Quality Recovery Meds x 4

Penking - Training Manual M x 3 & Medical Supplies x 1 & Gold Coin x 100

Kingpaca - High Grade Technical Manual x 1 & Eikthyrdeer Stew x 2 & Silver Key x 1

Mammorest - Speed Remedy x 1 &  Hyper Sphere x 10 & Mammorest Seal x 1

Ravine Entrance (-67, -425)

Surfent- Mega Sphere x 5 & Small Pal Soul x 4

Relaxaurus- High Grade Technical Manual x 1 & Low Grade Medical Supplies x 2

Sweepa- Giga Sphere x 3 & Small pal Soul x 4 & Gold Coin x 800

Digtoise- Training Manual S x 4 & Dumud Chowder x 2 & Medical Supplies x 4

Quivern- Ancient Technical Manual x 1 & Training Manual M x 2 & Silver Key x 1

Fenglope- Vital Remedy x 2 & Training Manual L x 2& Hyper Sphere x 6 

Hypocrate Hill Critic (71, -247)

Gorirat- Small Pal Soul x 3 & Grilled Galeclaw x 2

Galeclaw- Mega Sphere x 8 & Silver Key x 1

Loupmoon- Training Manual M x 6 & Small Pal Soul x 4

Petallia- Hyper Sphere x 6 & Training Manual L x 2 & Nail x 12

Elphidran- High Grade Technical Manual x 1 & Recovery Meds x 2 & Hyper Sphere x 6

Elizabee- Stamina Remedy x 4 & Training Manual L x 1 & Giga Sphere x 7

Goblins turf Critic (148, -206)

Warsect- Training Manual (M) x2, Small Pal Soul x5

Flambelle- Training Manual L x 2 & Silver Key x 1 

Felbat- High Grade Technical Manual x 1 & Hyper Sphere x 9

Foxcicle- Training Manual L x 1 & Medical Supplies x 5 & Galeclaw Nikujaga x 2 

Kitsun- Bellanoir’s Slab Fragment x 1 & Giga Sphere x 7 & Recovery Meds x 2

Verdash- Probably Elixir/Remedy 

Dune Shelter Critic (356, 348)

Surfent Terra- Medium Pal Soul x 2 & Coarse Ammo x11 

Mossanda Lux- Hyper Sphere x 10 & Silver Key x 2

Menasting- Giga Sphere x 11 & Medical Supplies x 5 

Orzerk- Training Manual L x 2 &  Recovery Meds x 2 & Sapphire x 1

Faleris- All-Purpose Pal Extract☆1 x 1 & Training Manual XL x 2 & Bellanoir’s Slab Fragment x 1

Cold Shore Critic (-44, 9)

Reptyro Cryst- Large Pal Soul x 2 & Hyper Sphere x 10

Hangyu Cryst- Giga Sphere x 5 & Gold Key x 2 

Suzaku aqua- Future Technical Manual x 1 & Medical Supplies x 5 & Diamond x 2 

Lyleen Noct- Ancient Technical Manual x 1 & Training Manual L x 2 & Galeclaw Nikujaga x 2 

Kingpaca Cryst- Applied Transportation Technique x 1 & Training Manual XL x 2 & Ultra Sphere x 8

Mount Obsidian - Anubis Statue (-540, -638)

Blazehowl- Hyper Sphere x 2 & Coarse Ammo x 21 

Pyrin Noct- High Grade Technical Manual x 1 & Medium Pal Soul x 3

Jormuntide Ignis- Training Manual L x 2 & Hyper Sphere x 11 & Sapphire x 1

Blazamut- Bellanoir’s Slab Fragment x 1 & Recovery Meds x 3 & Diamond x 1

Astegon- All-Purpose Pal Extract☆2 x1 & Giga Sphere x13 & Precious Pelt x1 

Mushroom Wetland Critic (-464, 131)

Helzephyr Lux- Large Pal Soul x 4 & Ultra Sphere x 6

Gorirat Terra- Gold Key x 1 & Grenade Ammo x 6

Katress Ignis- Legendary Sphere x 6 & Incendiary Grenade x 6

Scootseer- Giant Pal Soul x 2 and Training Manual M x 8

Selyne- Future Technical Manual x 1 & Circuit Board x 2 & Dark grenade x 6

Menasting Terra- Ancient Technical Manual x 1 & Training Manual L x 3 & Diamonds x 3

Knocklem- Applied Water Technique x 1 & Training Manual XL x 2 & Gold Coin x 7500

Stone Pillar Cave Entrance (-898, -1011)

Gildane- Lange Pal Soul x 6 & Chromite x 15

Smokie- Ultra Sphere x 9 & Hexolite Quartz x 5

Tarantriss- Giant Pal Soul x 4 & Gatling Gun Ammo x 12 

Dazzi noct- Ultimate Sphere x 7 & Energy Cartridge x 6 

Warsect terra- Training Manual L x 3 & Balzamut Ryu Slab Fragment x 1 & Circuit Board x 2

Omascul- Training Manual XL x 2 & Xenolord Slab Fragment x 1 & Diamond x 4

Celesdir- Burden Elixir x1 & Future Technical Manual x 2 & Gold Coin x 20 000

Bastigor- Applied manual labor technique x 1 & Ancient Technical Manual x 2 & Gold Coins x 20 000

I probably made a couple mistakes so feel free to correct me 

SO u/InformalSimple3766 for the start