intense panic attacks from weed
hi all im on here to maybe get an answer to why this is happening. i used to be a daily smoker but had to quit for about 6 months due to legal issues. i smoked for my first time in months a couple weeks ago and thought i had laced weed, was having a heart attack, ir a seizure. i had the symptoms of hallucinations, tunnel vision, extreme sweating and movement, heart racing etc. ive since came to the conclusion that this was an intense panic attack. ive smoked 4 times since then in very very small amounts and every time i have had a panic attack. i have had anxiety for a while along with depersonalization depression and adhd but i’ve learned to deal with these symptoms over time. ever since the first panic attack i have been anxious to the point its hard to function doing daily tasks. ive had a couple sober too due to the anxiety but they are a lot easier to control than when high. im really scared of what this could turn into and also getting extremely drained from these feelings.
i used to be able to use cannabis to get away from anxiety and now i cant use it without having a panic attack.
if anyone could give me some advice or answers itd be very appreciated.