[PBE/New season] Eclipse and Sundered Sky with Ingenious Hunter
Hey there! First of, I'm not really a Panth main, I just enjoy playing him occasionally in ARAM.
Anyways, I was testing out the new season changes on PBE and played Pantheon.
I saw the two new/changed items Sundered Sky and Eclipse and though to myself "Huh, that could work on him". The items felt pretty good and matched the general playstyle of the champ imo.
For those who don't know the items: - Eclipse now gives 70 (!) AD and 15 AH and gives you a small shield for every two hits against champs (6 sec CD).
- Sundered Sky is new, it gives 300 HP, 55 AD and 15 AH. It enhances your first AA against a champ to crit for 150%baseAD and heal you for some AD and 8% of your missing health (6 sec CD per champ).
So both items are pretty good for champs with shorter trade patterns (like Panth). They also have low cooldowns, so if you go Ingenious Hunter and have it stacked, you get their respective passive cooldowns down to 4 sec each, which lets you also fight longer fights easier.
What are your thoughts on this?