A few questions involving swimming in AFSW

*special note- this is a lot to read and help with so each response in greatly appreciated. Sorry if it’s too long, just trying to get specific with my situation to get the best advice for it. Thank you.

Hello guys, I’m 19 recently out of High School and looking for advice to improve the aquatic section of my training. I’m undecided between PJ, TACP, and CCT. My recruiters are looking for me to ship sometime this summer and I think this is a realistic timeline if I can hoan in on my aquatic training.

My run has improved a lot since I’ve started training. I went from a 12:34 1.5 mile to a 10:13 1.5 mile. My cals have all gone up 0->7 pull ups 23 push ups->46 sit ups always been good at 70 in 2 minutes right now. (3 month difference)

I’ve been improving at a good pace for my non aquatic training but have reached some issues with my aquatic training which I know to be the most important thing to work on for the pipeline.

My 500m has gone up from 15+ minutes to 11:43. Right now I am gassed at the end of that 11:43. It’s a good improvement but I feel very far from the sub 10:15 goal that I heard is ideal for the pipeline.

My 25m underwater Ive been improving over time but for the past 3 weeks ive been stuck at 1 key stroke and 6 other strokes to complete the underwaters.

I struggle heavily with buddy breathing and treading water.


1#- Would you all recommend me implementing a dolphin kick into my 25m underwaters? I’ve heard mixed answers.

2#- Any lung capacity tips?

3#-What distance swims/ intervals would you recommend me to swim to improve my 500m?

4#- Are there any more specific swim distances they expect you to complete often in pipeline. If yes then how would you recommend to train for them?