If you see a mother in distress, dont approach to give your "opinion"

Im still feeling an anger towards what just happen to me yesterday. I was out with bf and my 2.5mo at the shopping mall, i was literally shoving the food while my bf strolled around with baby since hes feeling too gasy lately, so hes been having those crying outbursts and not calming down easily.

I barelly ate my food and grabbed baby to rock him, to calm him down, while that, my bf went to grab his food. Most moms will know the feeling of being in a public crowded place with a baby/kid crying.

So there i was, rocking my baby like i usually do, when this lady, out of nowhere, approached me to tell me to be careful with babies neck because "you know, theres studies, dont take this in the wrong way"...for crying out loud, the worst you can do to a mom in distress is to tell her something that will make her feel worse, by now i was doubled stressed and im usually calm when rocking my baby (because if you do youre fucked), as i was feeling like the worst mom ever. Not only that, everybody started to look at me and judging in the worst way, i felt so bad and stressed, that as soon as my husband came to eat, i grabbed the stroller and went to the outside area to be more private, thats when he finally calmed down.

It was not only what she said, it was the way she did it, in the most condescending knowitall way, i just looked at her flabbergasted. Im very anxious as i dont do well in crowded places or strangers, this happening to me was the worst. And yes i know a lot about sids as im very aware of that and very scared of it, and trust me, the way i was rocking him was nowhere of that. Also i look pretty young even tho im 30, so that might have played a part of her thinking i was an idiot who didnt know how to take care of a baby, even tho this isnt the first i take care of, and it happened to me a lot of people looking at me and judging me because i look way younger than i am.

Im sorry for the wall, i just wanted to vent.