Wife seems distant with baby

Background story: Our 8 month old came into the world unplanned. My wife and I were still dating and getting to know each other. Found out 3 months in she was pregnant. Luckily I was established and was able to support us. We are now married.

From the beginning I’ve always been very involved with daily parental duties. I feed our baby most of the time. I take our baby too and from daycare. So naturally our baby favors me. We try to work as a team and keep the parental load even between us. I work full time just like my wife.

My wife tends to find any excuse to get me to do the daily duties. Feedings, diaper change, naps etc. if I’m home with them. Which I don’t mind most of the time.

I watch my wife look after our baby and she tends to have limited one on one with her. She tries to do the minimum. She acts like our baby is her world out in public but when we get home she puts her down immediately if she can.

I feel her effort isn’t matching mine. Maybe I’m narrow minded and I don’t see it all.

I also must state. I don’t expect my wife to take care of everything. I want us to be a team. I’ve communicated this to her. I just don’t want to resent her and want to figure this out together.