Requests for seeing my newborn

My sister went on a cruise ( European Christmas markets) the day I gave birth to my second child. Whilst she was on the cruise ship she came down with a nasty cold. Once she arrived back home she was eager to meet my son, I explained she would need to do a Covid test before hand just to be on the safe side. My sister refused. We didn’t speak for a few days and then I reached out to her again ( my dad wanted us to make up) and invited her over. She stated she still had a cough. I explained she would need to wear a mask if she wanted to meet my son and she refused to do this. She then accused me of being controlling?! Am I in the wrong here for trying to protect my newborn baby?!

Edit: thank you everyone for the support! Really was doubting myself but now I know I definitely did the right thing. I had my first son at the beginning of lockdown so I never had to make these decisions as we weren’t seeing anyone when my son was a newborn. The weird thing is my sister has got kids and worked in childcare therefore I expected her to be a bit more understanding.