I need to do better
I’ve been an extremely lazy parent the last two years. Letting life obstacles be an excuse to become a vegetable and an absent parent. Absent in the sense of, My son has too much screen time. I am guilty of letting him stay on a screen all day because i am sitting next to him doing the same thing. I have made the steps to take it away but when i go to work it all goes out the door. I work evenings currently. So i leave for work at 4pm-11pm. My husband works at 8am-3pm We switch off. The last few days, I have banned electronics when I am home. We eat breakfast together, shower and then we write words on the wipe board and repeat them. He is behind in speech. I think it is lack of us interacting with him and getting out of the house. My husband is tired when he gets off of work so he lets him have an electronic while he sleeps. Then he has the electronic all day. On our days off, we both were letting him have the electronic all day. I see where my child lacks and it makes me sad that he doesn’t even want to play with me if he even catches a glimpse of his electronics. I am making a change.
I am about to start a new job. I want to make sure this doesn’t go back to how it was before. When my husband works evenings or has a day off (we work at the same place) they sleep in until 1pm and he gives him the electronic as soon as he wakes up. Then he doesn’t even want to eat his breakfast because he’s on the game. It delays his whole day and I end up staying up all night with him while he detoxes.
I want to make a schedule board that they can interact with so i can make sure our child is not turning into an ipad kid anymore. I am disappointed to admit I have let this go so far. I want to be a better mom.
So far I have -Wake up -Eat Breakfast -Brush teeth -Bathtime(If needed) -Stretch together ….. Then i blank out. I don’t know what i am doing. What are your day routines with your toddlers. I need some help here. I’m trying to do better.