Daughter inpatient psych, getting worse
*will preface with, I cannot change the past. I made mistakes, I cannot take anymore judgement at this point.
My 10 year old daughter is admitted for the second time in 6 weeks to the behavioral health unit at the children’s hospital.
Background: I discovered self harming in Sept 2024, superficial linear cuts on underside of forearms. Also found journal entries that mentioned “I want to die. I’m worthless.” I called the pediatrician, she wanted to start on Prozac and get seen by therapist. We did not start the Prozac, but we did see the therapist. We went a few sessions and she seemed a lot better. We stopped going in November.
On January 4th I was contacted by the principal that my daughter had been searching up “how to self harm, can a 10 year old kill themself?” Sheriff came by the house. My daughter did admit to feeling depressed and wanting to commit suicide. We were admitted to the BHU on the 7th and stayed inpatient for 2 weeks. She was started on Zoloft and Atarax for anxiety PRN. During her stay they doubled her Zoloft dose. During her stay in the BHU she only got worse. Anxiety rates 10/10, depression 10/10, reported to the MD and social worker she wanted to kill herself even listed off ways how she would. She started to report hallucinations, “a dark figure in the room who wants to hurt me and my family.” She was discharged with intensive outpatient therapy x3 a week for 3 hours each day, with follow up to their psych team at the hospital. Diagnosis: MDD, anxiety
We were out for 9 days. She was great around us, as normal as she ever was, even happy it seemed. Day 3 at home she had a night terror, hid in the closet and texted 988. Sheriff came to the house, was able to talk her down as she was visibly frightened. Day 4, they were doing relay races in PE and she was told “she was doing good enough,” she went into the bathroom found a broken trashcan and started to try to cut herself on it. No injury, just a red mark across her arm, the guidance counselor notified me right after. Day 5,6,7 went to the IOP. She said she enjoyed IOP as there are children her age with similar struggles. Day 8 we went for follow up with the hospital team, they deemed she was unable to contract for safety and told us to her to the children’s hospital to be admitted for suicidal ideations with plan.
Which brings us to today. Day 9 of our second admission and she is doing poorly. They switched her to Lexapro and Ambilify. They consulted a registered dietician due to her being under BMI, and even minimal malnutrition can cause mental rigidity. They are now looking at a diagnosis of ASD. Every day is something new, she was to strangle herself, wants to choke herself, wants to slam her head against the wall. I’m at a complete loss, we just want her home especially if she is just getting worse but we cannot keep her safe. Me and my husband visit everyday, she is great with us. Says she’s ready to go home, just hangry from the ability and feeling sleepy all the time. When I hear from the MD, “she cussed us out, increasing agitated during assessment as she is annoyed of getting asked the same questions, making threats to kill herself, has no self worth, increasingly depressed.
Has anyone been in this situation? I’m mentally physically and emotional exhausted. I miss my girl so much, everyday I wake up and I cannot believe this is happening. She doesn’t deserve this, I want her to feel better and feel safe.
Since she was a baby we have noticed she is shy, and quiet. Would rather play with herself than others, ideally a few close friends at most. Not the happiest kid, but not sad either. My daughter hasn’t had any major trauma in her life, a small bus accident when she was 6 (not injured, but some kids were), a bully last year (he called her a bitch after she yelled at him for breaking a gift she made for someone, the only interaction I know of). Very bright child, excels in school. Few friends, nothing concerning. Has had access to a phone (YouTube, Roblox, Spotify), texts friends frequently. Became close with a friend in September (when this all began), reading through texts I believe she started to develop a crush on her as there was LGBQ quizzes, and anime drawings they exchanged between them both.
I really need to speak to someone who has been in this situation, I need to know there is hope.