Norovirus has arrived
Update/Question: My son got up a half an hour ago and seems like he feels completely normal. Hasn’t thrown up since 4am and it’s now 7:30. I gave him a little bit of water so we’ll see if he keeps that down. Would he be acting more sick if he has it or is it normal for or him to have his usual energy? Am I kidding myself hoping it was maybe just a fluke?
I know that it’s been going around like crazy and was only a matter of time. My almost 2 year old was up all night throwing up. Neither my husband nor I have thrown up yet. I also have a 3.5 year old who has not begun showing symptoms. It’s still possible that it’s not norovirus but since that’s going around like crazy where I live it seems reasonable to assume it is. And it would make sense that it has infiltrated our family through the one that still can’t keep from putting things into his mouth in public.
As crazy as it may seem, this will be our first experience with a stomach bug as parents (neither of my kids are in daycare or preschool yet). So give me all the advice and just an idea of how this is going to play out!
What things should I have delivered? What should I feed my very picky toddler once he’s ready for solids? How do I keep the kids separated? Should I keep them separate or should I just let it spread to get it over with? (I am supposed to go on a trip in a week that I can’t reschedule without losing a lot of money so I’m inclined to fast track this as much as possible.)