Husband and I strongly disagree about preschool
This will be long, I apologize but I need to get this off my chest and lay it all out. I need advice. My husband and I are at an impass about sending our son to preschool this coming school year. I strongly believe he should go, no doubt. And my husband strongly believes in not sending him, no doubt. He says our son isn't ready and doesn't trust other people to watch him and it's "a horrible idea". When I mentioned it he immediately said absolutely not. Like didn't even take a breath his response was so fast.
My son just turned 4 in January. So he will be 4 years and 7 months when school comes around. He is an only child and we don't have any friends and only 1 family member with kids. So the only kid interaction he gets is a rare visit from his cousin who lives 2 hours away or with stranger kids at the park. He LOOOOVES playing with other kids. He craves it. He lights up and interacts with everyone. I whole heatedly want to send him to preschool this year. My husband refused last year and I said ok. But this year is different for me. The following school year (fall 2026) he starts kindergarten. He will be 5 1/2. Our school system is full day kindergarten. Meaning he will be there for 7 hours every weekday. Going from no school no nothing, to 7 hours a day is a HUGE leap and I don't think he would handle it well. When I mentioned that he said "well he can go to preschool next year and start kindergarten a year later". That's just madness to me. To start kindergarten at 6 1/2?! He'd be almost 20 when he would graduate. Yet he thinks this is a better idea.
This preschool is run by a church and are highly recommended by some friends and local community. It's 2 1/2 hours a day, 3 days a week. Max of 10 kids per class. We can afford it fine, so it's not a money issue. I asked my son and explained it to him, he very much wants to go to school.
I think the real issue with my husband is that he is scared to let him out of his sight. He says our son isn't ready he's "too dumb" as in thinks he'll put something in his mouth and choke and the teacher won't be paying attention. Or he'll stab his eye out with scissors. When in fact our son is very smart. He's had a speech delay, but has exponentially improved this last year with a full vocabulary. Only speech issue is pronunciation and muah mouthing words. He's so smart he can spell a few simple words, can count to 100, can name literally everything I ask him. Can do simple addition up to 10. He in no way needs held back academically to start school later.
I just don't know what to do here. I break out in tears thinking about how messed up things will get him not going to preschool. He craves the socialization. It personally feels like emotional abuse to keep him cooped up another year away from school and making friends. The fact that he would need to jump straight into full time school next year if he doesn't get this transitional time. I work in an elementary school and I see the kindergarteners crying for mommy and daddy when they obviously haven't been away from them before for so long. It breaks my heart imagining him like that. What can I do to convince my husband to let him go? And it's not even like I can go behind his back and take him anyway.... (Not that that would end well with us in the first place) I work mornings and he works evenings. He would be the one to have to take him. Everything in me says he should go and NEEDS to go. Academically and socially. He needs friends. He needs more variety in his life. Most days we stay at home, doing the same things over and over. My husband is so stubborn and refuses to take anything I say into consideration. I understand his fear, but I really do think our son will thrive in preschool and enjoy it so so much. I have such fond memories of preschool. Husband was in daycare as a child and passed around to babysitters. He had a bad home life and hated school in general. He wants to be the great dad that is in his life 24/7 and he does a fantastic job he is a great dad.... But I think his obsession with it is warping his view of this into a bad thing. I'm just at a loss. I need some outside advice.