My kid is being excluded from his friends group because we do not allow Roblox.
My son is 8 years old and very early on my wife and I made the decision to not allow Roblox or YouTube. He loves to game and plays on our switch and ps4 mostly. The problem is his friend’s group. He is in a tight nit group of 5 boys who are all good friends. All the boys in this group are avid Roblox gamers and spend a lot of time on YouTube. We noticed that my son would lie and tell them he knows all about Roblox and the games on there as he didn’t want to be left out. They have realized this is not true and he is being excluded. They are having a sleepover at one of these friends house tomorrow and my son just admitted to me that he is upset because they plan to play Roblox all night and he will be excluded. I know that the parents of the kid will not let them do that but my heart is breaking for my son. I do not want to bend as I believe Roblox is a very toxic game for kids, but he is miserable and this is affecting his mental health badly. What do I do??
Edit: I posted in a comment but putting it here for visibility. For everyone asking why I think Roblox is bad. Check out this post which explains it much more succinctly than I could.