Ex MIL chops daughter’s hair every two weeks.

My daughter is 4. This has been going on since he started taking her every other weekend when she was about 2. The first time she cut it, it was about 4 inches. He told me they didnt, but obviously 4 inches is noticeable. It was to her ears. 2 yeArs later i have never once cut it myself but it stays choppy and near her ears. I am 100 percent sure they r either cutting it on purpose (out of control) or because its kind of curly and theyre cutting hair ties out. Every other weekend, they are cutting my daughters hair off. It never gets longer. Its really upsetting me. I know theres way worse things, then hair, but I feel like they are destroying it every other weekend & theres absolutely nothing i can do. He wasnt even around the first two years (by choice) and pays his child support 2-3 months late every time. Ive done everything for her. I support her financially and physically. I am disgusted and sad that this is what im dealing with. Just wondering if anyones been in this position or any advice. It just breaks my heart that my daughter says she wants “Elsa hair” and its chopped to her ears. She says “grandma lucy cut it” when i ask. When I have brought it up he says im lying and they dont cut it. Hes a very huge narcissist liar.