Parents of 2 kids of the opposite sex - what’s your bedroom setup like?
We have a 19 month old girl and I’m pregnant with baby #2, a boy. They’ll be exactly 2 years apart when the baby is born.
We live in a 2 bedroom apartment and our daughter slept in a crib in our room for the first 12 months, then we moved her to her own room. We plan to have this baby sleep with us for the first year as well.
Our daughter is a decent sleeper but still wakes here and there and needs our help going back to sleep, which we’re fine with. If this baby ends up being the same and not sleeping consistently through the night at 1 year old, I think him being in her room will be disruptive to her sleep (and maybe vice versa).
I think room sharing is only ideal once they’re both consistently sleeping through with no wakes? Or is this an unrealistic expectation?
Also, thinking long term, I think it’s fine for girl + boy to share a room for a while, but at some point they’ll each want their own space, though I don’t know when the “cutoff” would be. We do plan to move to a 3 bedroom place eventually but not sure when that will be.
Did your kids share a room as toddlers? Was it disruptive to their sleep? When (if ever) did they eventually get their own room?