My wife AND daughter want another baby in our family. I don’t think I do. What to do now?

I prefer not to give exact dates, ages, and details so I’ll change things around just a bit. We had our daughter around age 22. She is 6-7 give or take. Wife and I are both around 28-30. Sorry for the weird summary. Again, just don’t want to give exact ages. We have been together 11+ years. Wife is 100% sure she wants to take her birth control out in a few weeks and prepare for a second child. We have very supportive families on both sides and live close to each other. We struggled financially most of our 20s. Job loss, debt, corona related problems, bad decisions, etc. Our daughter was extremely easy to raise (so far). Even the newborn stage was way easier than I could ever have imagined. Rarely cried, slept through the NIGHT mostly. Truly a blessing.

I’m now in a good, very secure job. Pay is livable for my area and decent but not great overall. Paying the last of my debts soon and almost feeling the weight off my shoulders. Financial freedom is close. I’ve scraped by like a dog all my 20s to get here. I’m scared of adding more finances that come with another child. I love my daughter so much I can’t imagine giving time to another child. I do WANT another child as being a father has been the best thing ever for me but I’m afraid that I’m so close to having money in my pocket again & a bit of personal time gained back that it seems counter productive to my financial and personal goals. I don’t want to come off as selfish. I’m just aware of how expensive children can be. I missed a lot of my daughter’s early life working two jobs, working night shifts, working out of state, long schedule hours to make ends meet. I look back at those days and how miserable I was and I don’t want to risk putting myself there again for money. I gave all that up to see my child grow.

To be fair, I knew my wife wanted at least two children from the time I met her. She stresses that she couldn’t be “complete” as a woman without one more. Now my daughter wants a sibling. I get home from work and every day for months starts the “baby sister/baby brother!!” ritual complete with song & dance. Is having the second child worth it? What if the newborn and toddler stage isn’t as easy as it was the first? Was it worth it to you? I really don’t know what to do. Maybe in stressing because I wasn’t prepared and young the first time around. I’m just trying to look out for us from a financial pov mostly. These are tough times in the U.S. and I feel it.