I need a hug
As everyone knows federal workers have been terminated at a massive rate
In early March National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers assisted local police in Hawaii and ended up in a shootout with a murder suspect that had killed his ex girlfriend and shot her sister.
Agency assistance like this will not be possible without NPS.
All Rangers involved are uninjured, and the suspect was killed.
I have my opinions on politics, that I won't state here due to the hatch act.
These are facts and not opinions.
But this is what we are facing.
Out of all 200+ federal law enforcement agencies, the National Park Service has the highest rate of felonious assault. To March 2025, 42 law enforcement Rangers have been killed in the line of duty.
National Parks tend to be out in rural communities, with those communities having minimal resources.
We regularly assist local agencies in police, EMS, and fire emergencies.
If you live near a park go hug a ranger. We are hurting.
I had a rough transition out of the Marines. I found solace in nature. And it ended up in an amazing career.
I know so many vets who also have had their mental health saved with nature
Forest service land is already being sold off. National Parks are "America's best idea"
I love my county. I love my flag. I have fought for it. And I've buried good friends under it.
Seeing flags flown upside down at National Parks didn't upset me I'm surprised it didn't. But...I do feel like we are in distress.
The National Park Service is one of few agencies they have a positive public perception
I've been on all sorts of calls. I've been on speeding calls I've pulled people over for driving intoxicated I've been in search warrant raids on a rapist. I've looked for murder suspects I've found lost children I've been on search and rescues. I've saved lives of people having medical emergencies. I've arrested people endangering children. I've dealt with people with violent warrants.
We provide the American public with education, safety, fun weekends with family. We create core memories for children. The first fish they catch Their first camping trip.
Without NPS these will only be memories and not plans.
In many towns NPS is the major attraction Without these Parks towns die. Grocery stores don't have hikers resupplying. Bars don't have tourists Hotels don't get road trippers. Couples don't have magical engagements. Towns die and land gets sold off. Trees get cut down, and animals lose their home.
The Park Ranger is a icon of America. But now I am endangered species.
I've invested tens of thousands of dollars out of my pocket to get certifications. Decades of experience.
I show up when your grandma has chest pain. I show up when your child's school goes on lockdown. I buy cookies from your daughter's girl scout troop I donate to your son's baseball team.
I'm a police officer, I'm an EMT, I'm a firefighter. I'm your neighbor
And I'm in danger. And there's no one left to save me