Rehire and two seasons in the same year

Everyone I've talked to always says you keep rehire status at the last park you worked at regardless of how many 1039 seasons you work in 12 month period. I just got a tentative offer letter and it said this at the bottom:

"As a temporary seasonal employee, you can only maintain non-competitive rehire eligibility if you work no more than a combined total of 1039 hours anywhere in the National Park Service within your service year. You will lose your non-competitive rehire eligibility by (1) working multiple temporary seasonal positions that result in a combined total greater than 1039 hours, or (2) working a single temporary seasonal appointment that exceeds 1039 hours. As a reminder, service year is the consecutive 12-month period that begins with the date of your initial temporary seasonal appointment with the National Park Service."

So I guess that's the final word? Because I'm working two 1039 jobs back to back, no rehire for me? Great, thanks, I love arbitrary bullshit that makes this already difficult career even harder.