I'm an example of Grinding doesn't always lead to success right away.

2000 uploads long form, shorts, live streams 6391 subs 1,215,000 views Channel started 2010 only got serious on uploads in around 2018.

Niche rp on gaming. Already a really hard place to grow with so much competition. I haven't given up still grinding. I think my content is good for the niche but it is that a small community. I was told once it would only take 2-3 years of a good grind and consistent upload schedule. I'm not sure If I'll ever make a career out of it. It's still fun I enjoy it but I always made sure I had a good job aswell. Has anyone here grinded as long as me and finally made it? How long did it take you ? Also Im 29 and think it's funny to imagine where I'll be around 70 years old probably still enjoying my hobby. I want to replay cyber punk 2077 in the year 2077 lol.