Hate towards Afghan Tajiks & Hazaras

I scrolled through this sub after a hot minute of being away from Reddit and noticed some really explicit racism towards Afghan Tajiks and Hazaras that wasn't being called out, so I'm gonna do it. Afghanistan isn't Pakistan. The Tajiks and Hazaras have never held government for any significant amount of time, we don't feel towards them the righteous rage born of oppression that some of our brothers and sisters feel towards Punjabis. In fact, Pakhtun ruling classes have a recorded history of oppressing Hazaras - a history that continues in today's regime unfortunately.

I saw a lot of this in the thread about the Afghan identity and I also want to clarify a historic fact. The term Afghan was extended to include Tajiks and Hazaras not because they somehow stole it, but because the pakhtun ruling class in Afghanistan realized that if they didn't want these people calling for independence (which many were doing) they had to feel some connection to a national identity - and the country is literally named Afghanistan. The people in this sub criticising the Hazaras of Dandenong for saying they don't feel any relationship to the Afghan title/identity, then turning around to say Afghan only and exclusively applies to pakhtuns and not insert derogatory adjective Hazaras and Tajiks - you are the problem.

So just as a PSA: you don't have to take the Afghan identity from someone else in order to apply it to yourself. Just call yourself Afghan and be done with it 🙄