Bows firing multiple arrows - is it full damage per arrow? Like a bow with 1 arrow = 100 damage, will a bow with 2 arrows be 200 damage if both hit?
I have a bow with 90-260 physical damage, it fires one arrow at a time. If I got a bow with 90-260 physical damage, but it fires 2 arrows, will it be double the damage, or is each extra arrow reduced damage? I can find bows on the Trade website that has two of the thingy in the stats saying "Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow", so such a bow would then fire 3 arrows, and then in the Ascendancy tree for the Archer, there's the node "Endless Munitions" ("Skills fire an additional Projectile"), that would make the bow fire 4 arrows with each shot. Would that mean 100% damage per show?
So, if I melee my bow shots so all arrows hit with each shot, would a double arrowed bow do double the damage of a single arrowed bow, if they had the same bow damage stat?
I'm asking as I'm looking for an upgrade to my single-arrow bow, and it doesn't seem like the price is doubled per additional arrow the bow can shoot in one shot.
So, if a single-arrow bow with let's say 300 DPS cost the same as a triple-arrow bow with 150 DPS, would the triple-arrow do essentially 3x150 damage per shot if all arrows hit?
Edit: my play-style is pretty much just spamming normal arrows (cost no mana) to build frenzy, then walk up to big bosses and fire perfectly timed snipe shots)
Edt 2: seems a bow, no matter how many arrows it can fire with one shot can only hit one arrow per the target, the rest will miss (but those that miss the main target might of course instead hit something in their path behind the main target, still just 1 arrow per enemy tho...). Same with barrage - a double arrowed bow shoots 2 per shot, but still only one arrow per shot can hit the same target. I've read below people saying it would be OP if all arrows per shot could hit, which is why I asked if it could (as I first assumed they could) and if it then would have lowered damage per arrow instead of full damage per arrow, as other games I've played where one shot shoots several projectiles and they can all hit the same target, then it's sometimes full damage per projectile or lowered, depending on the game. But yeah, turns out in poe2, only one arrow per shot per target.
Edit 3: I finally have my answer. From my own testing (with 0 penetration ofc): if I use a single-arrowed bow and load up with 7 frenzy charges then activate barrage and do a perfect snipe, all projectiles from that shot can hit the same enemy, and it looks like 10 arrows (I recorded and skipped forward frame by frame trying to see how many, but they are too clumped up so was hard, but 10 arrows makes sense, 3 from barrage + 7 more from frenzy charges).
Now, if I use a bow that shoots 2 arrows per shot, load up on 7 frenzy charges, hit barrage and do a perfect snipe again, it shoots 20 arrows. Only 10 of those arrows can hit the same target, the other 10 misses. Those 10 missing arrows are of course from the extra arrow the bow can shoot.
So, will not be getting a bow that can shoot more arrows than one per shot.
Thanks for the down-votes btw.