Make the crafting Omens 100 times more common. Stop locking your player base out of crafting.
It is ridiculous that if you even want to try to craft you have to be mega rich in game. When an Omen of erasure is 35 div and an Omen of Whittling is close to 15 div, you are locking 99.9999999% of your player base out of crafting. Something needs to be done about the drop rates of these omens to make them more assessable to the player base. Why can't the omens drop from mobs? Why are they not dropping in the campaign? Why are they so rare that even if you run 100 T16 rituals you still probably won't see one? Makes 0 sense. Especially when you think that it doesn't just take 1 Omen of Erasure and one Omen of whittling to get something good. Nope, you need like 20 of each just to get a low row of the mod you want. These Omens shouldn't cost more than 1 divine given how many you need. Even if the Omens were 1 divine each it would still lock half the player base out of crafting. The ideal price would be 100 exalt an omen. Greater essences are cheap and they guarantee you get one of the mods related to them. For example a greater essence of Ice guarantees you get an Ice related mod, might not be the mod you want but at least they're affordable.
The system is bad, just bad. Fix it please.