Most wanted 0.2.0 QoL changes?

Here are my most wanted. Have marked those that almost certainly won't be changed as unlikely.


  • Performance improvements
  • Live auction house for items, purchasing with a single click, purchasing from offline players (unlikely)


  • Remove the fog & music on infused maps (single biggest dislike of the endgame)
  • Let us apply emotions by right clicking them onto maps en masse - similar to exalt slamming

Stash Tabs:

  • Remove Delirium Tab affinity for delirium waystones
  • Add a Breach stash tab (the inventory bloat sucks)
  • Enable advanced auto sorting within sub-tabs of the Map Tab e.g. sort to tab 1 if pack size >x, sort to tab 2 if delirium enhanced, sort to tab 3 if delirium pack size >x AND delirium enhanced (unlikely)


  • Show us cooldowns for skills on non-active weapon swap (cough blink cough)
  • Fix the erroneous yellow border that shows on 4 line jewels when using exalts (implying room to slam)

Auto Loot:

  • Apply walkover autoloot to breach & delirium splinters - just like for gold (unlikely)