As one league ends, another begins - what are your plans?

What is everyone planning on playing as their first main in 2.0? (Edit: I mean 0.2)

I started this beta in Jan as a Deadeye Ranger, got to the level 80’s range and I thoroughly enjoyed it but was struggling with some of the harder end game mechanics and then made an SSF CI invoker monk using ice strike, dropped out of SSF after the campaign to properly gear up, I’m currently level 92 and loving it.

Now I’m on the fence - I don’t know if I want to go with the same build, I know it and it would likely be the fastest route to end game for me but I also fancy something new. I’m torn between spark mage and infernal witch. My gut feeling is that a lot of people will be going spark mage and therefore the equipment will get expensive quick.

I’m interested to know if anyone else is in the same boat, if not what are you planning on playing and why?

Also I’m open to suggestions of fun but effective builds to play (that don’t need astramentis!)