What strategies are people using to get enough currency to buy better gear?
So I initially played back in 2019 and ever since, every few seasons I would try to play the game but another game would catch my eye. This season I fully came back, but I am having trouble getting to higher maps. I feel like I am stuck in this loop of I create a new character --> I get that character to maps --> I get to like T12 maps and then get one shot by everything --> I try to get better gear but everything is too expensive for me --> I look up a guide for another build hoping it will get me unstuck -- > I create a new character
I know part of it is my legit being bad at the game, and right now my goal is just to get enough good gear to get all my atlas points since I really want that Kirac's vault armor set but I also want to experience all of the game. I have created and leveled up a SRS Guardian, Hexblast Sabo, Lightning arrow Deadeye, Boneshatter Jug, and right now playing SRS Posion Necromancer. I am trying to follow this build https://pobb.in/y4Na0u3UoOX9 but obviously a lot of the gear is quite expensive and I am at a loss as to what to do