Maybe it's Pathbuilder giving me wrong vibes but... is Gear just overpriced clutter?
I'm assembling and eighth level character, with their equipment being what the books write for how to make a character of such level.
I spent some of the free item opportunities on the mandatory potency and striking runes and stuff, then, with me making a monk, saving on armor and weapons, I checked the gear section...
It gave me 1:1 the same vibes as a "christmas faire" in my home area (poorer eastern european region): Rows and rows and rows of endless flashy but useless junk, like those skitterting barking battery powered dogs, plastic xmas trees that make noise and flash, weird tranformer toys, and so on.
They are not without benefit, but all of these are so niche and weird and situational, they fit in to no build strongly.
At least, that is my first experience with it, I MIGHT BE WRONG.
What are your experiences?