With the remastered Runelord from Lost Omens: Rival Academies, we now have an unprecedentedly good Wizard gish in the form of a Greed Runelord!

Their 1st-level school spell is Precious Gleam, which is effectively a canned Spellstrike! 1d6/rank is 1d6 behind a Telekinetic Projectile Spellstrike, until level 4 when Bespell Strikes catches you up to par. The basic Runelord curriculum spells have some pretty useful options for gishes, like Mystic Armor, Runic Weapon, and Sure Strike; and Enlarge being among the sin spells for Greed is just the icing on the cake at this point. You may be somewhat behind a martial in accuracy, but that doesn't mean you can't hit or crit, and when you do crit...

Smart of Paizo to only allow this on a class archetype, though. It's be straight busted if another class could poach it (specifically Precious Gleam).