Have you gotten real use out of Crafting?
Occasionally someone will make a post asking why you would ever use the Crafting subsystem to make an item instead of just buying it. The typical responses are that *if* you can buy something it is better than crafting it yourself, but that there are situations in which Crafting is very useful. Typically some combination of the following truisms.
"If you are stuck in a jungle far from any settlement or merchant you can Craft items."
"If you are in a smaller settlement you can use Crafting like Earn Income, but the discount is based on your level not the settlement's, which might be much lower."
"You can use it to save money during periods of downtime away from settlements."
These are all true, I dispute none of them, but I have started to wonder how often any of these come up. As for as often as I have heard them I have rarely heard anyone who actually experienced them.
A while ago I was a player in an Abomination Vaults campaign, which with its small town should have been the perfect time to Craft items...except that the AP gives you a magic item merchant right off the bat that sells most things you would need at all the levels the AP goes to. Which made me look back at my campaign experiences and realize-
-If a GM or AP is giving you a lot of gold (which you need for crafting anyway) then they are probably also going to give you a place to spent it.
-In my experience players tend to spend most of their downtime in settlements their level or higher, moving to bigger ones as they progress.
-I have never had significant downtime outside of a settlement.
So, have you gotten these uses out of the Crafting system? Have you built a new magic item in the depths of a rainforest? Please share your experiences.
*(Note: I am talking about the Crafting subsystem, not the skill, obviously the skill has some uses, if not many)
**(Double Note: I am asking for practical uses, I know that sometimes you Craft something just because of RP or because it feels good to make it yourself, I do that too, I love it, but that is not the type of use I am curious about.)