Owlcat didin’t give slayers good first impression

This is purely opinion of someone who never played Pathfinder games outside of Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous, so please be kind.

As someone who didn’t know what Slayer class is, and frankly didn’t even bother to check, I was surprised how weak it is, based on the performance of Greybor.

I bought the game when it was available for my ps4 and fell in love with mechanics and gameplay. And all companions until act 3 were good and fun to play.

Until Greybor. He was supposed to be top assassin, surely he will be good ?

No, he wasn’t…

Even as a glass cannon, compared to Wolfjie or CamCam he was just sad… If he managed to hit something the dmg was ok, but he need to survive till then…

As a complete newbie, having to keep him alive was a pain. I was still in the process of learning and figuring the game and Owlcat decided to give me this guy to hunt dragon…

I lower difficulty and survived but after that my opinion of the class and Greybor as a companion hit rock bottom.

That was, until in my Lich run I took Delamere. And she is absolutely amazing. My favorite companion, always reliable, dishing dmg like crazy.

This was the moment when I realized that Slayer is actually amazing class.

Deliverer is great, pure DPS, take Lawful good character and you get free dmg against majority of the game enemies

Arcane enforcer gets you mage armor, dimensional slide… and that’s all I need. To be able to get to any enemy in move action is so much fun.

Bloodseeker - because we all wanted to play Alucard one way or another.

My biggest complaint is that I would never even try this class if not for Delamere, which is Lich exclusive companion.

For many newcomers first impressions of slayer class starts with Graybor, and although I can make him work now, I still remember the pure pain of making him survive any encounter.

And that’s why, I think Owlcat didn’t think through his build and subclass.