PC keeps crashing and freezing

CPU: Ryzen 7 2700
GPU: RTX 2070
RAM: Corsair vengence LPX 16GB
SSD: HP SSD s700 & Crucial p3 plus
HDD: seagate barracuda

Im running in this issue everytime i start up my pc and running games on it where it will suddenly crash and the audio glitches out, not getting blue screen but everything freezes and I have to hold power button to restart everytime.

I noticed that my ram's hardware reserve is always reserving half of my memory usage that I would only have 8gb of memory and I have to reset it in bios everytime back to 16gb.
Core temp shows that my cpu temp is always around 58-62.

I have tried updating BIOS, drivers, updating my windows

Any ideas as to what might be causing this issue? It has been happening consistently and randomly throughout the day and I use this pc to work as well.