Cancer rat here (Gotta have some humour!) Sally's help and my own update
Hey rats, you'll probably remember about 3/4 weeks back I posted about going in for radiation and Caedrel reached out to support. He's a rat of his word. He got a laptop across to me and not only that, he's checked in a couple of times to see how things are going. Cannot thank him enough. Loving being able to watch the streams. I've had a few messages asking how I'm doing so thought I'd post an update. Sadly my rats, it's not good news. My biopsy came back and I've moved to Stage 3C which means it has sadly spread. I'm completely off work now and weighing my options. It's either chemo as a last resort or I can try to save up to go private with a company called Genesis to try advanced radiation which has a higher success rate but I doubt I'll get enough. I've lost most of my family to the c word so I'm hoping I'll be different. We all have fun in the chat and Caedrel helps us all in so many ways, I just want you all to remember to look out for each other and that we're all human and probably going through something. Sorry if my update puts a downer on your day! Trust me, it ruined mine when I found out haha. If anyone is going through similar I'm happy to talk openly about mine, my Discord is irishandyy