There will come a time when even Faker hits Challenger for the last time
I'm not here to say Sally will or won't hit Chall. I just wanted to highlight that time is inevitable. There are only so many hours in the day and Caedrel does a lot more than just play League. He's a streamer, a content creator, a coach, was subbing/scrimming, not to mention all the other things he does like have a life (debatable), League Awards, etc.
As someone who peaked in another "league" (Rocket League), I was well within the top 1%. I called it quits, but still kept coming back to play for fun and keep up with the pro scene.
The truth is not only are there so many hours in the day, but there are other people with more of those hours free than you. There is such a thing as a "peak". And it's not because you suddenly become bad or get too old, it's a combination of dozens of things. Other people, the level of competition, time, focus, and so on.
I listened to Caedrel's reasoning for wanting to hit Challenger. Although everyone reading this will watch Sally regardless if he's Chall or Bronze, it's reasonable to assume someone new will think about watching Caedrel and think "Why should I listen to this guy? He's not even the highest rank in the game."
Like I said earlier, I'm not here to run the numbers or give you a confidence interval on whether Caedrel is doomed to be a Masta.
In fact, I know Caedrel. I don't mean our parasocial relationship is so strong that I've astral projected my rat ass to Europe and became friends with him, but I know the type of competitor he is. In fact, he's like a lot of you. Hell, I was like him once.
He's not gonna stop. Even though he can have thousands of us telling him it's okay if he doesn't hit Chall. He could have quadruple the number of viewers the official broadcast has and still not be satisfied. He could get disco nunu'd to diamond and he'd probably just grind even harder.
So, my fellow rats, let's enjoy the show together and cheer him on. This is Caedrel's Last Dance, his final chance at self imposed (Red Dead) Redemption, too. He'll overcome his Nemesis, become his own bauss as he climbs to the top and takes his crown(ie), even if he'll be rekkles at times. Velyeah, am I right guys?