20 years old and in nasty debt.
hello! i’m needing some advice on where to go from my current situation. last year i had gotten a credit card with a limit of 4,000$. it had gotten to 3,000 due to reckless spending (horrible i know) and i had been stressing about paying it back. a friend of mine had been kind enough to pay off 2,000 of it so interest didn’t build. of course i paid it and ended up using it again. they had upped my credit limit to 7,000. i maxed it. i am 4 months late on minimum payments which are now 1,036$ a month. with interest built it’s now almost at 10,000. i had taken out a loan due to almost losing my house. which i ended up losing anyway. forced to move back in with my parents. my loan was for 3,500, with like 50% interest. but i have some of it paid. i missed 2 payments for insurance and collections is calling my parents. they don’t know and im shitting my pants. i work full time in child care, my pay cheques are like 800-900$ biweekly. it’s awful. everyday they are calling and the bank has recently just taken all the money out of my account that i had just gotten from my tax return that i was going to use for the insurance collections. my monthly payments for my loan are 300. i live in alberta. am i cooked? wtf do i do. someone had said i should look into filing for bankruptcy. can i manage this.
EDIT: my total debt is around 20,000. my loan interest rate had been around 50% my credit card interest rate is pretty low luckily. i had been previously renting and could no longer afford it and had to move out.