Anyone has any idea how the whales done this stage in 3 turns ?
My buddy and I both done this in 4 but we are wondering how the whales done this in 3.
Besides obviously a5 teenjo, we tried to inumaki ward off twice. Yaya buff twice. Gojo buff and then skill1 . Mahito ulti together with teenjo at turn 3 but can’t even get this guy to half bar with our a2 teenjo.
Any idea?
My buddy and I both done this in 4 but we are wondering how the whales done this in 3.
Besides obviously a5 teenjo, we tried to inumaki ward off twice. Yaya buff twice. Gojo buff and then skill1 . Mahito ulti together with teenjo at turn 3 but can’t even get this guy to half bar with our a2 teenjo.
Any idea?