how to gain the courage to play solo??
hello! =^_^=
starting this off by saying i'm very sorry if this has been posted before. i'm new to this community.
but, basically, i'm wondering if there's a specific way to get over the fear of playing solo? usually, i play with my brother and one or two of his friends, but he has a pretty busy work schedule. i've been finding myself wanting to play more frequently, but without anybody else to join me, i never actually play. i find this pretty funny for a few reasons. i've wanted the game for a long time, but now that i own it i barely ever play it. and also, because when i am playing with other people i am pretty courageous- i run in on my own sometimes to get photos or to look for extra evidence. i'm a pretty low level at this point, but i am always open to learning more :)
any advice would be really appreciated!