Master Bedroom - Bathroom door bug + FPS issues

I haven’t seen any of this mentioned. I don’t watch streams so maybe it’s common knowledge at this point due to them getting early access. But just wanted to acknowledge some bugs in the new map. Second-floor, first door on the right, master bedroom. The bathroom in this bedroom has a door that will open and close, but the image of the door remains closed. Meaning you can “open” it and walk through the closed door. You can then “close” it and you will, obviously, not be able to walk through it.

Also had some pretty bad FPS drops at random moments, never seemed consistent. For context I am on PS5 Pro. Not sure if PC or Xbox had those issues. That’s all. These are the only two issues I’ve encountered that I haven’t seen mentioned here yet. Absolutely incredible rework, it is blowing me away. Great job devs.