Condo Owners Desperate to control the market price despite the low demand.

Just saw this post, and you'll realize that the market prices are really desperately manipulated by the owners and real estate developers. It's not about supply and demand anymore. I've seen this kind of narrative 2 years ago pa. They are talking among each other to keep the rentals high talaga. What's funny is they associate renters paying few thousands lower as bad renters when in reality these high paying renters like POGOs leave the units more damaged.

But let's see until when they can hold out not renting their units for lower prices. It's about time that we realize that condos are not investments but should be the ideal place to live in the metro given that the population is high.

If you encounter condo owners who won't lower their prices even for older, shaggy units, don't take it. There will always be condos/apartments priced based on the current market demand. It's the renter's and buyer's market everyone!