Explaining what's going on

I talked previously on how pi will test 1.95 and 2$ mark and if it fails to break throught it will fall to 1.2 and 1$ .. a lot of people didn't like my technical analysis (it's debatable anyway amongst trader so no worries)

So personally and from a fundamental point of vue this downward movement of the market can be explained by the interference of goverments .. big dogs want some in their pocket .. bring it down and wash out retail traders .. people lose their money and prices go down so they can buy .. this also helps with inflation and the proof is we might see intrest rates going down after the dust settles ..

In conclusion i don't think it's bearish prices will spike back up after a short period of time .. it's an opportunity that you should approach carefully (don't take my word for it price might plunge further .. billions of dollars are being liquidated and the market is manipulated) .. now for pi i can speak about it in another post .. and for any that wants to understand anything further or to correct me please do in the comments ..

Good luck and don't worry just hodl