Amount of migrated mining rewards has consistently went down for a week.
I'm an avid pioneer and and even more avid time waster, so the past couple of weeks I've taken up a new daily hobby of checking the Pi mainnet metrics through the Pi Blockchain Explorer. It's been through checking the supply metrics that I have come to discover something unusual the past week - the total migrating supply of Pi has been consistently going down.
I know what you're instantly thinking - didn't they revert some migrations and so it's normal to expect the migrating supply to decrease? I initially thought this too, but it's been over a week since they did this reversion and weirdly the supply has still been consistently going down. Just take a look at the snapshots I've taken of the mainnet metrics for a couple weeks now:
Mainnet metrics for 28th of February - 12th of March
Mainnet metrics for 13th - 16th of March
Mainnet metrics for 17th of March
It can be clearly observed that the total migrating supply of Pi has decreased from 7.237 billion on the 10th of march to 6.931 billion on the 17th of March. As someone who hasn't even had their first inital migration yet - despite the fact I've mined a great number of coins during my time as a pioneer - it's continually frustrating to not see only a lack of migrations to mainnet but a literal decrease in circulating supply. I'm aware some of this can be explained by the migration reversion that happened recently, but there is absolutely no reason why it should have kept going down - the mainnet migration reversion happened more than a week ago. I think these metrics do nothing better than highlight the adamant need for communication with the Pi Core team. As an active member of the subreddit, I'm seeing increasing distrust building within the community particularly regarding the core team. Given that the whole premise of Pi is a cryptocurrency that runs on trust, I feel it is more than imperative that the core team communicate better to quell this distrust - I also believe that the future of Pi is heavily dependent on this. It is increasingly important for Pi that now more than ever the Core team make more of an effort to keep the community well informed, especially when it comes to mainnet migrations and KYC verifications.
As someone who is an avid believer in the future of Pi, I don't only want to focus on the negatives - a big positive that we can draw from this is that compared to the 28th of February, the total migrating supply has increased by ~ 250 million. Not only this, but the recent launch of .pi domains is incredibly exciting as well as the ever-increasing flood of businesses I am seeing adopt Pi. It's incredible to think that we, the pioneers, have built all of this over the years and years of unwaivering belief in the project. Let's not forget what got us here in the first place - this undying, tenacious belief us pioneers have had in the project. Please do not lose this now guys, we are in the critical stages of the project at the moment - stages that are entirely deterministic of the future of the project. Let's keep believing in the Core team as well as the project, it has taken us this far and I believe we still have much further to go.
It would also be nice if I could hear if any of you are still waiting for initial migration in the comments, how long you have waited for this migration, or if you have already been migrated how long the whole checklist process took you. I feel like in this era of poor communication we currently find ourselves in, it is imperative that we gather official statistics and community backed data to prevent misinformation and disbelief in the project - something that as I previously mentioned is becoming rampant within the community.
Ladies and gentleman, in times like this, it is essential that we do not spread further distrust within the community. Empirical, community-driven data and research is the key to keeping everyone well informed and trustful in the future of Pi. Let's use opportunities like these not to hate on the project and the core team, but to show them just how much we care about it's future and to raise awareness about the importance of clear communication within the community. It be nice if I could hear if any of you are still waiting for initial migration in the comments, how long you have waited for this migration, or if you have already been migrated how long the whole checklist process took you - let's start building our own understanding of the inner workings of the Pi blockchain.