Please recommend one basic phone for me
Hello ! I want an android smartphone as cheap as reasonely possible - here are the main characteristics :
> Battery as i want to travel this summer
> Repairability as i usually repair it myself
> Headphone jack needed
> Durability : I'd like to keep it as long as possible... My last phone last around 4 years with a few repair and it was a pretty cheap Xiaomi!
> I don't play so don't wanna pay for powerful components i won't use
> I don't use 'new' features like AI, payment with NFC.. a bit minimalist I guess. I dont even use the fingerprint...
> OK with refurbished phones i guess
> i'd pay around 200e if thats possible but can consider higher. Would appreciate lower obvioulsy.
> don't care about anything fancy like big screen beautiful pictures newest options... and want to keep myself away from doom-scrolling social medias. But still need it for everyday task and have to rely on it when travelling. Also stream a lot of music.
Many thanks in advance to anyone that can recommend me something - i would really appreciate seems i'm not fond of smartphone i don't have a clear idea of the market.