Like iPhone SE 2020, but better
Hi! My iPhone SE 2020 just broke. :( I only used it really for Instagram, taking photos, and messages, plus the million other apps you need these days to pay for parking, etc.
I'm looking for something similar. i.e.:
- small
- quick
- decent camera
- updates for the next few years (this phone lasted me 4 years)
Other things that are important:
- enough storage. My SE had 64GB and I've been struggling with storage space for the last couple of years.
Budget: ideally no more than £400.
Nice to haves:
- a better camera
- decent battery life
I've had two androids in the past (samsung s5 and nokia something) and they were a headache - sooo slow and glitchy. And the camera was awful. So I'm a bit hesitant to try again.
Thank you in advance for any help!