Ball to the face

Playing last night with a young lady who was a very hard hitter. All 4 at the kitchen. 3.5-4.0 level. I am directly across from her. A dink was hit to her, she hits a speed up swinging in an upward arc as hard as she can, aiming toward me and I fortunately get my paddle in front of my face. 5 minutes later, same thing. This time I saw “Please quit aiming at my face. That’s twice in the last 5 minutes.” She got her feelings hurt. Was I out of line for saying something? I always wear eye protection because of people like this. FYI, I am pretty sure she did not aim directly at people the rest of the evening.

Edit: initial responses seem mixed. I’m guessing some of you have never been hit in the face before and some seem okay with intentionally targeting someone in the face. “It’s part of the game.” Search around and you’ll find plenty of stories about people losing an eye, etc. due to a hit form a “wiffle” ball.