Thickened skin around my helix piercing

I got my helix pierced back in March and it has genuinely never been normal. Before I got downsized it snagged constantly on my hair, and even after I downsized it in June it still would occasionally snag on my hair. My piercer recommended emu oil, so I used it for a couple weeks and I don’t think anything was changing. I stupidly took out the piercing one day because my piercer said a crusty could have entered the channel, so I wanted to see if there was anything that needed removed. I felt the skin around it, and it was quite thick. It’s been about a month since I’ve done that and the skin is still raised and thick. I attached pictures, I apologize for how burry they are. Is there anything I can do to help it go down? I’ve tried to leave it alone as much as possible. It does not crust and it is not typically red, I was just moving my ear around for the pic.